Welcome to my Portfolio

Have a Blast :D

Cinque Terre

A Musician

Guitarist, keyboardist and some drums maybe !

A VITian

A {{ age }} year old graduate from VIT University Chennai.

A VITian

A 19 year old undergraduate, 3rd year VIT University Chennai.

A Computer Enthusiast

Web developer,designer and lot more skills.


Prizes and Honors recieved in

Top Skills
Music / Bands


Some of the projects and products that i've developed

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Police Surveillance Assistant

A self-evolving AI which assists the police in tracking COVID suspects, criminals, speeding vehicles, containing public violence against health workers/cops and other policing activities

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Personal Assistant for Blind (PAB) is an AI Chat Bot to provide a Real Time Solution for the Blind !

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Developer Assistant

A developer assistant is a standalone software which assists with error debugging, project creation and other problems faced by the developers

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Apocalyptic ZERO

A post apocalypse themed zombie shooter made with Unreal Engine 4. This showacase my expertise in Game Development and my level design capabilities.

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An AI powered(Bot DEKU) music listening website.Designed with CSS which is fully responsive and with Flask in the back.

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Wanna know how i made this website ? How everything render in a single file ? Click the below link to find out.

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It is a Desktop Application created using C# and .NET. This application helps the user to personalize and maintain his/her's dictionary in there way, with the support of a unique account provided for each user.

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Level Design

Check out this awesome sunset themed level design, click the visit button below.